Local Quilt EventsNew England Quilt Museum
Tuesday through Saturday: 10 AM - 4 PM Closed Sundays and Mondays "The Summer of Red Dragonflies" by Marianne Hatton
LibraryOur library has over 200 quilting related books and DVDs. Our holdings are kept at the librarian's home. You can make arrangements to browse in person, or ask Ellen K. to bring the desired books to the next meeting. The best way to reach Nancy is by phone. Her number is in the member directory.
List of Books in our Library's Collection - Click here There is no set borrowing period; you may use books as long as you need them. We trust that members will show consideration when borrowing newer books that may be in demand, and return those items promptly. The Newsletter has a new home!
Questions, Comments?
Contact us at info@waysidequilters.org |